Sunday, January 3, 2010

Update on Josie Duggar

Happy New Year!
Josie Duggar remains in the new NICU at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. The facility is just a year old and focuses on family-centered medical care, which is a perfect complement to the Duggars' beliefs. To minimize the amount of light and sound that the premature babies receive, this novel NICU features 58 private rooms, some with single beds and others set up for twins. This is a big advancement from their previous location, which contained four large rooms, each with about a dozen cribs. Josie's family is able to spend time alone with her, and with the couch and rocking chair provided, parents Jim Bob and Michelle can spend the night by their daughter's bedside. This NICU is proud of their family area, which is suited with a kitchen, showers, laundry room, a family education room and several more beds for brothers and sisters.

Update on Josie DuggarUpdate on Josie Duggar

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