Sunday, August 15, 2010

Do the Older Duggar Kids Dislike Helping with their Younger Siblings?

Actually, the older ones enjoy being with their younger siblings. "It's kind of cute now that we've got all these drivers," says mother Michelle. "Often, if they're going to run an errand for us in town, they ask, 'Can I take little so-and-so with me?' They really love their siblings." You'd think they would take any alone time that they can get their hands on, but that's just not the case.
Each of the older Duggars has a "buddy," a little one they watch out for. The older one shows the younger one "the ropes" and helps them with school and chores. Led by example, the little ones slowly learn to do more and more, until they can have a buddy of their own -- the day that they all long for.

Do you use the buddy system in your family? Why or why not? 

Do the Older Duggar Kids Dislike Helping with their Younger Siblings?Do the Older Duggar Kids Dislike Helping with their Younger Siblings?

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