Thursday, September 23, 2010

Duggars and the Media

Q: What types of media do you allow your kids to watch?

A: Michelle Duggar: "Whatever is good, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is noble. We try to pick things that are going to encourage good character."

"Television and video games and computer, I mean, they can all be great resources, but too much of anything is bad. We have been around different things, but just limited; everything is limited," explains Jessa. The Duggars do use the internet, but it's all protected. As for TV, they don't have cable, but they watch movies and shows on DVD. Two months ago, the Duggars voiced characters for "The Life at the Pond," one of their favorite shows. Click here to find out how you can purchase that episode ("19,000 Frogs and Counting.") Jim Bob and Michelle work hard to expose their kids to positive media and to limit negative influences.
"You are not going to put garbage in your mouth, so don't put it in your mind" says Michelle.

What is your view on today's media?

Duggars and the MediaDuggars and the Media

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