Sunday, November 14, 2010

"GrandDuggar First Birthday" Recap

On tonight's episode of 19 Kids and Counting, "GrandDuggar First Birthday"...
  • Josh and Anna took Mackynzie to Florida to visit Anna's family, where Mackynzie took her first steps! They spend a day at the beach, and Josh learned to surf from Bill the soundman. He swallowed enough water to fill a fish tank but had a blast. Mackynzie's highlight of the day was eating sand. Mmmmm, tasty!
  • Josh and Anna went with Anna's dad, a volunteer chaplain, to minister to a group of women in prison. Anna, who grew up helping out in her father's ministry, has learned the importance of being real and sincere. She told the ladies about the pain of her recent miscarriage. What carried her through was remembering to give thanks to God in all circumstances.
  • Anna threw a huge party for Johannah and Mackynzie's birthdays, which are three days apart. The theme was Noah's Ark, and guess who was given the task of making a Noah's Ark shaped cake? Cousin Amy! Desperate, she called on Jinger for help. Both girls rarely cook, and although the Duggars have celebrated 284 birthdays, neither of them had ever baked a cake. But what looked like a disaster soon turned into a magnificent work of art. With the added touch of a colorful backdrop, courtesy of the boys, this was the best Noah's Ark cake I have ever seen.
  • All the kids put on animal costumes, and the party began. "I was talking with Mackynzie a little bit ago," announced proud father Josh, "and she told me this is her best birthday she's ever had."
  • But this won't be Josh and Anna's last time celebrating a first birthday, because they are expecting another child! How did the rest of the Duggar clan take the news? Some were speechless, others knew the announcement would come sooner or later, but all were thrilled, especially Grandpa Jim Bob and Grandma Michelle.
When was the last time your family celebrated a first birthday? 

"GrandDuggar First Birthday" Recap"GrandDuggar First Birthday" Recap

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