Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Duggars on College

Many readers have asked about the Duggars' views on higher education. Do they encourage college? Do they even allow it? 

"Life is a classroom," says Michelle. She and Jim Bob strongly believe that learning is a lifelong process, not a dreaded chore that ends at graduation. They encourage their children to gain different skills and experience various career potentials in order to figure out what they are truly passionate about. If that means pursuing a college education, then mom and dad are all for it, but their goal is for their kids to be driven by God's plan for their lives instead of by what the world says is the norm.

So what are the older kids up to now? 

  • Jill and Jana have been looking into midwifery and nursing, taking classes and studying under professionals.  
  • John-David has his own towing business, which came in handy when the Duggars woke up to 2 feet of snow earlier this month!
  • Jessa has a passion for teaching and has taken on many responsibilities of homeschooling the little ones.
  • Jinger has been honing her photography skills by taking pictures for the family's personal album and website. 
  • Several of the kids have started with CollegePlus! an online program that allows students to earn college credit, and potentially an entire degree, in a fraction of the time, at a fraction of the cost. “We’ve had several friends that have gotten a four-year degree in about eighteen months from College Plus!” Jim Bob announced during our interview. College Plus! currently has a student body of 2,200 and is growing rapidly.
  • To learn more about the Duggars and CollegePlus! click here.
What are your views on higher education? 

Duggars on CollegeDuggars on College

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