Saturday, June 25, 2011

"Duggars get Dirty" Recap

Our power is back, so we were finally able to watch Tuesday's episode of "19 Kids and Counting," Duggars get Dirty. Here's the recap:
  • Jim Bob took the oldest kids, as well as Jennifer Hartono--a family-friend from Indonesia--over to one of his residential rental properties to do some cleaning. (Click here to learn more about the Duggars' many real estate ventures.) They spent five hours going through junk, pulling up carpet, and hauling three dozen bags of trash out of the house. "This may be one of y'all's houses one of these days," Jim Bob announced to the children as they worked. Joy's eyes grew wide as she quietly shook her head.
  • Back home, Jill guided the four youngest in some cleaning of their own. "It takes an army to keep everything going around our house," said Jim Bob. "We know that we're all contributing to our family's finances." 
  • The following day, the crew headed over to another rental property to do some painting and tiling. Believe it or not, most of the Duggars, especially the girls, enjoy tiling and are pretty darn good at it. "Those Duggar girls can do anything in a skirt!" said Jim Bob. 
  • What do Jim Bob and Michelle hope their kids will learn from these work projects? "A lot of elbow grease will go a long way" (Michelle) and "It's amazing what we can all do when we work together" (Jim Bob).
  • After spending two days hard at work, the kids were rewarded with a fun-filled day of sledding and celebrating Joseph's sweet 16. Michelle describes her third oldest son as a "man of few words but a hard worker."

"Duggars get Dirty" Recap"Duggars get Dirty" Recap

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