Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hundreds Gather for Memorial Service

Yesterday, hundreds of guests gathered at a local church for Jubilee Shalom Duggar's memorial service.

To show her love for Jubilee, Michelle played a recording of a letter that she had written to her daughter, whom she looks forward to meeting in heaven one day.

The family also distributed photos of their stillborn child's hand and feet. One of the photos bore this quote: "There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world."

"I feel a great sorrow and grief, and yet at the same time I have a peace in my heart," Michelle told People. "This is so sad, but I have peace. There are people praying for us and angels surrounding our home, and there was peace in the sorrow and the grief. Those feelings are mingled together."

Michelle reports that she is feeling well physically.

Regarding the memorial service, Jim Bob told People that "it was very healing, and we have precious memories." 

As Christmas draws near, the Duggars will spend time as a family, mourning the loss of their 20th child and just being together.

Hundreds Gather for Memorial ServiceHundreds Gather for Memorial Service

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