Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Duggars on Politics and Family

For the past few weeks, the Duggars have been traveling with presidential candidate Rick Santorum, but this is not their first time supporting a political figure. What made the family decided to become involved in politics?

The revelation occurred back in 1997, when Jim Bob Duggar felt called to run for the Arkansas House of Representatives and won. After completing two terms, Jim Bob campaigned for a seat in the United States Senate and lost, but that was just the beginning. The large family made national headlines when an AP photographer snapped a picture of Jim Bob and Michelle and their clan walking into the polls on election day. One thing led to another, and the Duggars were filming their first documentary for TLC.

Since that day, the Duggars have not only been filming reality TV regularly, but they have also been actively involved in politics. Hear Jim Bob and Michelle explain how politics has influenced their family in the following video:

Duggars on Politics and FamilyDuggars on Politics and Family

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