Saturday, March 24, 2012

Duggar-Sized Dreams

The Duggars are goal-oriented. From Jim Bob down through Jennifer, each family member has personal plans and ambitions. Let's take a look at what they hope to accomplish in the near and distant future.

Jim Bob: "Invest in the lives of my children and grandchildren"

Michelle: "Finish memorizing Matthew 5-7 and start violin lessons again"

Josh: "Go to law school"

Anna: "Make a difference for eternity"

Jana: "Wife and mother"

John-David: "Grow business" (John owns and manages a towing business)

Jill: "Lead many people to Christ; get more medical training; learn Spanish; and go back to Central America"

Jessa: "Serve God and others"

Jinger: "Gain more photography skills"

Joseph: "Read through the Bible three times in the next three years and learn more mechanical & construction skills"

Josiah: "Finish high school; learn more Spanish; and work for Josh & John"

Joy-Anna: "Be a wife and mother"

Jedidiah: "Take photography courses and learn to play bass guitar"

Jeremiah: "Learn to drive and graduate from high school"

Jason: "Get my drivers license and find a cure for cancer"

James: "Learn to fly an airplane"

Justin: "Learn how to operate cranes and do construction work on big buildings"

Jackson: "Be a cowboy and fireman!"

Johannah: "Wear makeup; babysit little kids; and be a Mommy!"

Jennifer: "Be a mommy and take care of my babies"

Duggar-Sized DreamsDuggar-Sized Dreams

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