Monday, November 4, 2013

Duggars on the "Mike Huckabee Show"

While in Tennessee today kicking off their campaign for the Tennessee Abortion Amendment, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar dialed into the "Mike Huckabee Show" to discuss their recent political involvement in Tennessee and Virginia. The Tennessee amendment will be voted on in November 2014, but the Virginia election is about to begin. (Election Day is only a few hours away.)

Here are a few highlights from the show:

Tennessee Abortion Amendment:
"[Tennessee] is like the only southeastern state in the United States that doesn't have any informed consent laws or any waiting period or anything. Amendment a very simple amendment that will allow the state representatives and senators to legislate and make laws regarding abortion."
-Jim Bob Duggar

Race in Virginia and the Duggars' support of Ken Cuccinelli, EW Jackson, and Mark Obenshain: 
"I really believe it's all going to be about voter turnout. And I think if we can get the sleeping giant--the Christians--to wake up, to get out of their easy chair and go vote, I think we can win this thing."
-Jim Bob Duggar

Advice For Moms: Maintaining Harmony in the Home:
"Loving on your children every day, every minute that you get an opportunity to show them that hug, kiss, and then talk to them heart-to-heart. I think it's amazing the things that I learn about each one of them, from my little 3-and-a-half-year-old all the way up to my 23-year-olds, just asking them, 'Hey, how are you doing? What's going on? Is there something that Mom and Dad can be praying for you about?' And I think as we keep those lines of communication open, that's the most precious thing..."
-Michelle Duggar

Click here  to listen to the full segment.

Duggars on the "Mike Huckabee Show"Duggars on the "Mike Huckabee Show"

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