Teaching Kids Tact

I try to teach them to be tactful and not to blurt out questions or statements about people or situations that might be new or different to them. We want them to come and ask questions, to whisper in my ear or daddy’s ear, and ask the questions they might have.
If the family is in a situation where it wouldn't be polite to address the question right away, Michelle tells the child to bring it up later, when they can discuss the matter in private and avoid offending others.

Ever watched the show and think that the Duggar kids seem to obey everything they're told, all the time? Michelle is quick to remind readers that all children have their moments, and hers are no exception.
We’ve got a ways to go to train our kids in the proper etiquette of being around other people in public places. Believe me, ours aren’t angels!
In the following video blog, Michelle shares her favorite memories from the family's trip to Asia:
Teaching Kids TactTeaching Kids Tact