Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Recap: Double Dating Duggars & Another Courtship?

19 Kids and Counting "Double Dating Duggars"
  • Jessa, who has been in a courtship with Ben Seewald for a few weeks, curls her hair (click here to watch our Duggar hair tutorial) for a double-date with Ben and her parents.
  • "We've noticed that her head is kind of in the clouds," says Michelle of Jessa.
  • While playing mini-golf, Jim Bob asks the new couple about the boundaries they have set for their courtship and possible engagement. They have decided to give each other side hugs to say hello and goodbye and while posing for pictures.
  • Ben and Jessa plan to wait a while before they start holding hands. Like Josh and Anna, they have decided to save their first kiss for their wedding day.
  • Jessa rocks the mini-golf course, but Ben doesn't do as well.  "Let's just say I don't think Ben has played much mini-golf in his life," says Jessa. Team Jim Bob/Michelle ends up beating Team Ben/Jessa.
  • Jim Bob says it's important for his kids to see how much Mom and Dad love each other. "Michelle and I love to kiss. We love to hug. And we do that in front of our kids."
  • Meanwhile, Jill takes her buddy team (Joy-Anna, James, and Jennifer) to Harps to buy ingredients for homemade dill pickles, a Duggar family favorite.
  • Michelle says Jill does an excellent job at bringing together the different personalities of those on her buddy team. "You've got Joy who has blossomed into this young lady," says Michelle. "She's always looking out for other people," adds Jill. "My Jenny, she's very serious," says Michelle. "Plus she's a deep thinker." And then there's James, who puts all his energy into everything he does.
  • "Our buddy groups kind of grew out of a need," says Michelle. She and Jim Bob found it challenging to get everyone out the door, so they created groups of four or five kids and appointed an older child as the leader.
  • In Washington D.C., Anna and the kids take on the challenge of assembling a playhouse.
  • "Michael is two, and he is full of energy," says Anna. "Mackynzie is my big helper. She knows that she is the firstborn and that her little brothers are looking up to her."
19 Kids and Counting "Another Courtship?"
  • Jill calls her parents down to the living room so she can Skype with Derick Dillard, who is in Nepal doing mission work.  "Jill talks about Derick quite often," says Jana. "He comes up in about every conversation."
  • In D.C., Anna shows viewers what it's like to homeschool four-year-old Mackynzie while keeping track of two-year-old Michael and infant Marcus. "Sometimes you just have to breathe and step back," says Anna.
  • "This isn't even fun," complains Mackynzie while drawing the letter "E." Mackynzie enjoys learning but is a perfectionist and gets upset when she can't figure things out.
  • Jeremiah, the Duggar family chess champ, teaches his mom how to play. Michelle enjoys her time with her son but has trouble remembering the rules. "Who made up this game?" jokes Michelle. "I guarantee you a man made this game up."
  • "We had a lot of fun together," says Jeremiah.
  • While Jim Bob and Michelle are gone, the kids plan a surprise for their parents as a final hurrah before the older ones start going their separate ways. Joy-Anna suggests a dinner theater, and everyone else agrees.
  • Joy takes the little ones up to the girls' room and tries to teach them a song, but getting them to cooperate isn't easy. She threatens to call Jana.
  • Jill heads to her parent' room for a serious conversation. "I think I'm in love with someone I've never met," she tells them. Jill asks her mom and dad if she can visit him in Katmandu, Nepal. Jim Bob agrees and starts to make plans for he and Jill to fly across the world.

Recap: Double Dating Duggars & Another Courtship?Recap: Double Dating Duggars & Another Courtship?

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