Michelle Duggar's Marriage Advice for Newlyweds

1. Be available
Michelle received this piece of advice from a friend six months before she married Jim Bob, and to this day, she says it is the best marriage advice she has ever been given.
Here's what her friend, Gala, told her:

“And so be available, and not just available, but be joyfully available for him. Smile and be willing to say, ‘Yes, sweetie I am here for you,’ no matter what, even though you may be exhausted and big (and) pregnant and you may not feel like he feels."
As Michelle has followed that advice through the years, she has seen her husband make great sacrifices for her in return.

The mother of 19 reminds newlyweds that their relationship with each other comes before their relationship with any other person on this earth, including their future children.
It’s not just me and the Lord; it’s me and the Lord and my husband.
2. Talk about disagreements privately
The Duggar family makes a point to praise publicly but correct privately, and this advice rings true in marriage, as well. Michelle encourages Jill and Derick to keep private matters between each other.
3. Get marriage advice when you need it

We have all been there. Yes, we have a oneness with (the) spirit in Christ, but there are times that we need others to give us life counsel. So be willing to go seek it together.
And while friends can be eager to offer advice, couples often need to seek counsel from other people. Michelle also encourages husbands and wives to listen to sermons together and to attend marriage retreats.
When Josh and Anna tied the knot, Jim Bob gave his son a few relationship books by Ed Wheat (see our store page). Before Jill married Derick last weekend, Michelle put together a special bridal package for her daughter, which consisted of items for the honeymoon and notes of encouragement.
Michelle Duggar's Marriage Advice for NewlywedsMichelle Duggar's Marriage Advice for Newlyweds