Ben Seewald Moves in With the Duggars
Jessa Duggar's relationship with Ben Seewald is no longer long-distance, now that Ben has moved into the Duggars' guest house and started working for Jim Bob.
The guesthouse is on the Duggars' property but is separate from the family's main house.
"He moved up here a few weeks ago," Jim Bob Duggar told PEOPLE Magazine. "It has been really good. He has been able to spend a lot more time with Jessa and our family."
Ben and Jessa are still committed to having at least one chaperone near them when they are together, but, like any couple, they face temptations. Jim Bob has set a curfew to help his 21-year-old daughter and her fiancé maintain their purity standards.
"By midnight, every night, we need to make sure everybody is back in their place," Jim Bob told PEOPLE.
For the first year of his relationship with Jessa, Ben was living with his family in Hot Springs, Arkansas, a town four hours south of the Duggars, and only saw his girlfriend every two to four weeks.
"After Michelle and I were talking about it, we have so many projects to do that we need help for – everything from construction projects to keeping the grass mowed to putting roof on a building, paperwork and things like that – and we asked him if he would be interested in moving up here so that Jessa and his relationship could be really accelerated," Jim Bob told PEOPLE. "[Ben] was all for it, and his parents were happy about it."
Living on the same property is especially convenient for Jessa and Ben now that they are engaged and planning their wedding. Ben is in his second year of college and is taking online business courses while doing odd jobs for Jim Bob.
Watch the video below to get the full scoop on Ben's new living arrangements.
The guesthouse is on the Duggars' property but is separate from the family's main house.
"He moved up here a few weeks ago," Jim Bob Duggar told PEOPLE Magazine. "It has been really good. He has been able to spend a lot more time with Jessa and our family."
Ben and Jessa are still committed to having at least one chaperone near them when they are together, but, like any couple, they face temptations. Jim Bob has set a curfew to help his 21-year-old daughter and her fiancé maintain their purity standards.
"By midnight, every night, we need to make sure everybody is back in their place," Jim Bob told PEOPLE.
For the first year of his relationship with Jessa, Ben was living with his family in Hot Springs, Arkansas, a town four hours south of the Duggars, and only saw his girlfriend every two to four weeks.

Living on the same property is especially convenient for Jessa and Ben now that they are engaged and planning their wedding. Ben is in his second year of college and is taking online business courses while doing odd jobs for Jim Bob.
Watch the video below to get the full scoop on Ben's new living arrangements.
Ben Seewald Moves in With the DuggarsBen Seewald Moves in With the Duggars