Sunday, April 4, 2010

Duggar Trivia Answers

Happy Easter (and Passover)! Thanks to all who answered the Duggar Trivia questions! We can tell that our readers really are Duggar fans. Here are the correct answers:
  1. What music-related activity do the Duggars refrain from? Dancing
  2. What type of ethnic cuisine did the Duggars try last year in Washington D.C.? Ethiopian
  3. What is Jinger Duggar's favorite sport?  Ultimate Frisbee, although she likes broom-ball as well
  4. Name the doctor that Michelle recommended to Anna for her pregnancy.  Dr. Amy Sarver
  5. Which Duggar is not a morning person and has to be woken up by Jim Bob when the family has to rise early? Johannah, but it is true that most of the Duggars are not morning people.
  6. Are there any computers in the Duggar household?  Yes.
Look for more Duggar Trivia in the future! 

Duggar Trivia AnswersDuggar Trivia Answers

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