Saturday, October 8, 2011

Duggars on the Value of Money

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar understand the importance of teaching their children (even the little ones) about the value of a dollar. When the kids complete a task around the house, they receive a bit of money to help them learn the value of hard work.

Michelle offers an example in her latest "Parentables" article: "At Bible time in the evening, when Jim Bob is reading and we're all sitting around together, the little ones will offer to rub daddy's feet or mommy's feet and we give them coins in exchange.

How do the Duggars make sure their little ones don't lose what they earn?
"We let them get the joy of touching the money and seeing it and understanding it," explains Michelle. ''But then we always encourage them by saying, 'Now, if you really want it to be safe and know that you're not going to lose it, you can keep it in the bank."'

Jill, the family banker, maintains a ledger book to keep track of everyone's earnings.  And all the kids know exactly how much is in their account at any given time!

How do you teach your kids (or how did your parents teach you) about the value of money?

Duggars on the Value of MoneyDuggars on the Value of Money

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