Friday, November 11, 2011

Josie Update!

Josie Duggar, born at 25 weeks gestation and weighing only 1 pound 6 ounces, turns two next month! How is she progressing? Let's take a look.

"It is a miracle," Michelle tells People Magazine in a recent article."Josie is the most energetic, busy little almost-2-year-old. She is short, and yet she can keep up with the big girls and she thinks she is just as big as they are. We are amazed at what she can do."   

According to the article, Josie is "developing normally, without any longterm effects from her premature birth." Michelle and the girls have taught her sign language, and she is learning to respond to her parents' words.

On this week's episode, Josie was eating at the Duggars' dinning room table and started making noise. Jim Bob, while answering viewers' questions in the living room, leaned over and gently said, "Hey Josie, let's be really quiet, okay? Daddy's doing an interview." Josie's response proves how intelligent an infant she is. She answered, "K Dada."

Josie Update!Josie Update!

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