Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Season Finale Recap

On tonight's season finale episode of 19 Kids and Counting, "Duggars: All You Wanted to Know"...

Q: Do the Duggars use coupons?
A: Most stores they shop at are wholesale and do not accept coupons. Jim Bob also admits that they do not have enough time to coupon.

Q: Why is it a family rule not to dance?
A: It's not a rule, but a personal conviction that both Jim Bob and Michelle share.

Q: Do the Duggars give their kids timeouts?
A: Yes, but typically not for correction. When the children are becoming overly rowdy, Michelle tells them to grab a book and sit quietly to calm down.

Q: How do Jim Bob and Michelle effectively bathe all their little ones on a regular basis?
A: It's an assembly line. They gather all the necessary items (pajamas, towels, diapers, etc), fill the tub, and try to bathe the cleanest child first.

Q: What would it take to date a Duggar girl?
A: "Talk to my dad," says Jill. "He knows what we're looking for in a guy and future spouse."

Q: Do the Duggars have Facebook or Twitter accounts?
A: None living at home do, but there are plenty of imposters. Josh and Anna had a Facebook account, but then someone told Facebook that it was a fake.

Q: What brought upon the need to bring 19 children into an overpopulated world?
A: "One of the greatest myths in today's society is that the world is overpopulated," says Jim Bob. "By raising these children to love the Lord and to serve and love others...that hopefully is going to make a difference for good in our world," says Michelle.

Beginning this Sunday, TLC will show weekly footage of the Duggars' overseas adventure! Tune in at 9PM EST/8PM CST for "Duggar World Tour," and as always, we will post a recap.

Season Finale RecapSeason Finale Recap

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