Sunday, May 6, 2012

Michelle Duggar on Learning Curves

As a homeschool mom of nineteen, Michelle Duggar has dealt with various degrees of learning difficulties. Each child develops at a different rate, and she constantly reminds her kids that they are all unique. She tailors their homeschooling program to fit each child's needs and abilities.  

Michelle writes in her latest Parentables post: The times that the kids were struggling I'd think, "Oh, my, I'm not a good teacher. I'm not getting it across." I had to figure out [how] their minds worked. It was amazing -- some excelled in English but not math, while others were great at math but had a hard time [with] English.

Talking with Jim Bob about his childhood speech impediment and reading challenges has helped Michelle to understand the struggles that some of their children are faced with. It may take several days of going through the same lesson before a particular child grasps the concept, but Michelle has learned to keep pressing onward toward the goal.

I didn't focus on and fret about the age that the kids were able to read by, whether it was sheet music or reading lessons.

Michelle also recommends that parents seek professional guidance if necessary.

We have speech therapist friends who practiced with our kids. It's something that as a parent I know can help encourage a child to learn and give them a new set of tools to work with.

Read more on TLC's Parentables page.

Michelle Duggar on Learning CurvesMichelle Duggar on Learning Curves

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