Monday, June 4, 2012

Chat with Jill Duggar: New Book 2

Yesterday we posted part one of Ellie's chat with Jill Duggar (click here to read). Check back each day this week for fresh material. Here's more: 

Ellie: When did you start working on the book?

Jill: "Just this year, so we're still at the very rough stages of it, as far as getting our content together."

Ellie: What will it be about?

Jill: "Helpful ideas from our girls' perspective...things that we've learned, principles that we are learning currently, that we hope will help other girls."

According to Jill, her and her sisters' utmost goal is to "minister to other girls" and to help them "better their relationship with the Lord, and if they don't have a relationship, that it will bring that context into the picture of what that looks like."

"There are questions that every girl faces and challenges throughout life," continues Jill. "And hopefully we can share the same faith that my parents have been able to live out in their lives, be Christ-honoring, and be somewhat of an example to younger girls."

"[The book] also brings into perspective relationships and what that entails, as far as your friendships outside your family, then your siblings, your parents...and then you have your relationship with God, and of course, guys."

Jill and her sisters do not claim to have it all figured out, but they hope to encourage others by sharing what they have learned over the years.

Chat with Jill Duggar: New Book 2Chat with Jill Duggar: New Book 2

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