Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Chat with Jill Duggar: New Book 3

Be sure to read segments one (click here) and two (click here) of Ellie's chat with Jill Duggar. Here is part three:

Ellie: Do you have a title in mind for the book?

Jill: "We had thought about [Growing Up Duggar]. We are still trying to decide as far as what we actually want it to be, so it's not totally set in stone."

Ellie: Writing a book is a huge undertaking. How do you find the time to work on it?

Jill: "Yeah, it takes a lot of time, and that's what we're finding, it's very hard to find that time. It does make it a little bit easier that there are four of us working on it. Challenging in the way that we all have our own say, like 'Oh I think it should go this way, and I think we need to add this our take this out.' But the beauty of it is that we have all four of us working on it together, plus my parents. Since they have already written two books, they can add their wisdom in there, too."

More from Ellie's interview tomorrow (and the next day, and the next day).

Chat with Jill Duggar: New Book 3Chat with Jill Duggar: New Book 3

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