Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Duggar Growing Pains" and "Duggar Sick Day"

On tonight's new episodes of 19 Kids and Counting...

"Duggar Growing Pains"
  • Jim Bob and Michelle pack for their trip to Washington D.C. Jim Bob likes to be prepared, in case he gets stranded. Justin puts it this way: "The reason why my dad's suitcase is bigger and my mom's suitcase is smaller is because my dad, he has to pack underwear, lots of underwear."
  • As Jim Bob and Michelle are going out the door, they find three-year-old Jordyn laying partway down the spiral staircase with her head (her Duggar-sized head, according to Michelle) stuck between two railings. While Jim bob maneuvers her head out, Jordyn stays calm. She is naturally a mellow, easy going little girl. 
  • After Jim Bob and Michelle leave, Grandma Duggar and the kids head to Oklahoma to meet up with friends.
  • Whenever Jim Bob and Michelle are away, they are constantly talking about their kids. "As a parent, it pulls my heart," explains Michelle. "I want to be with my children."
  • While at a speaking engagement in D.C., Jim Bob and Michelle meet a young fan who can list all of their children's names. Even after all these years, Jim Bob admits that he still does not care for public speaking.
  • During the book signing that follows, Jim Bob and Michelle purpose to make each person they meet feel special.
  • In D.C., the Duggars take a night off to have dinner with Kirk Cameron and his son at Ben's Chili Bowl, which also happens to be President Obama's favorite restaurant.
  • At the restaurant, Jim Bob and Michelle take the time to personally introduce Kirk Cameron to each member of their camera crew.
"Duggar Sick Day"
  • The five youngest Duggars (seven if you include Mackynzie and Michael) were born on TV. Jackson Levi, Johannah Faith, Jennifer Danielle, Jordyn-Grace Makiya, and Josie Brooklyn each made their grand entrance on TLC.
  • JOSIE UPDATE: "Josie has turned into an energetic, amazingly sharp little girl," reports Michelle. The almost-three-year-old has caught up and is thriving.
  • The Duggars explain that they are still grieving the loss of Jubilee. "We are healing, and we are moving forward, yet we still remember and think about our little Jubilee often," says Michelle. 
  • Jim Bob, who worked at a grocery store for five years, guides the children as they restock the shelves of their in-house supermarket.
  • In the kitchen, Michelle lets the youngest Duggars set the lunch menu and help prepare the food. Jackson chooses stuffing, Johannah picks mac 'n cheese, and Mommy adds broccoli to the mix. And a carrot for good measure.
  • Prior to meals, the Duggars label each child's plate to make cleanup and leftovers easier.
  • Does Michelle get her children confused? Her response: What parent doesn't?!
  • Jedidiah, who is learning the art of film-making, shows viewers his waterproof camera. The Duggars' crew is amazed at how much he has learned.
  • When strep throat makes its way through the Duggar household, the crew comes over anyways (armed with gloves and face masks). Although not as bad as the infamous chicken pox epidemic, dealing with an illness in a family of nineteen is no easy task.
  • Once the kids are feeling better, the family invites a friend and her two children over for lunch.
 The Duggars on a previous visit to Ben's Chili Bowl 
(circa 2010)

"Duggar Growing Pains" and "Duggar Sick Day""Duggar Growing Pains" and "Duggar Sick Day"

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