Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"All You Can Eat" and "Puppies, Properties & Patients"

On tonight's new episodes of 19 Kids and Counting...

"All You Can Eat"

Josh and Anna Update
  • Mackynzie (almost three) and Michael (age one) are "at the age where they can kind of play together," says Anna.
  • For those wondering about diapers: Josh and Anna used cloth for Mackynzie, but life can get pretty hectic with two kids, so the couple has switched back to disposables for Michael.
  • Mackynzie was nursed for the first nine months of her life, while Michael started eating solids a couple months earlier than his sister. Anna occasionally uses premade baby food, but she, and Michael, prefer homemade.
  • "I love being a stay-at-home mom," says Anna. While she is happy for her peers, many of whom are finishing college and launching their careers, the twenty-four-year-old is content being a wife and mommy.
  • Are there more Duggar grandkids in the future? Not yet, although Mackynzie wants more babies, and Anna is secretly hoping for twins.
  • Anna takes Mackynzie, who is starting to exert her own opinion, and Michael to a local consignment shop to buy clothes. At this particular store, parents trade in shoes and outfits that their kids have outgrown in exchange for store credit. 
  • Anna returns home with a pile of clothing, for which she paid less than one third of retail.
Duggar-Style Snacking
  • Snack time at the Duggars' is no simple task, and the kids are constantly hungry. According to Jeremiah, they eat about nine meals each day.
Grandma Duggar
  • When the camera crew interviews Grandma, what does she say? "I don't have time to be lonely, not with the Duggars. They show me a lot of respect, and we all just get along so well."
  • According to Michelle, "Grandma Duggar is like the matriarch of the family." Constantly in the laundry room, she does seventy to eighty loads each week.
  • For a special treat, Jill and Joseph plan a night out for Grandma. Dressed in fancy clothes, the two Duggars escort her to a widows' banquet at a nearby church.
Josie Update
  • Josie, who associates the doctor's office with pain, has reached a milestone. "Our doctors recommend that she receive RSV shots for the first two years of her life," says Michelle. In this episode, Josie has her last round of these shots.
  • James, "the fun buddy," accompanies his youngest sister to the pediatrician and does his best to keep her distracted.
  • In the examination room, Michelle is elated to hear that Josie weighs 23 pounds. But Josie is far from thrilled. Even before the nurse brings out the shots, she is clinging to Michelle for dear life.
"Puppies, Properties & Patients"
  • With Josh busy at the car lot and Anna helping him occasionally, Mackynzie and Michael have been spending time with Grandma and Grandpa and their aunts and uncles.
  • In addition to their cat, Milky Way, the Duggars are dog-sitting for friends. Michelle catches the kids feeding the pups cheese and scrambled eggs. The outcome? The dogs vomit so frequently that Michelle can hardly keep up with the cleaning. 
  • Meanwhile, Mackynzie makes Josie cry. After caring for Josie, whose hypersensitive gag reflex causes her to throw up if she cries to hard, Michelle lovingly corrects Mackynzie's behavior.
  • Jim Bob and the older kids--armed with gloves, masks, and shovels--head over to a house they recently purchased to fix 'er up. Jim Bob's goal is to transform it into a rental property or eventually hand it over to one of his kids. 
  • Nearby, John-David is doing contract work for a bank on a different property. If he cleans it up adequately, the bank will give him another piece of land.
  • Later, Michelle, Jill, and Joy wrangle up several of the little ones and head to the dentist. Jill, who loves spending time with her siblings, jumps at any opportunity to break away from other duties and help with the kids.
  • Jennifer does well at the dentist, but Josie isn't too pleased with the whole ordeal.

"All You Can Eat" and "Puppies, Properties & Patients""All You Can Eat" and "Puppies, Properties & Patients"

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