Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Duggars Serve at Valentine's Day Banquet

Joy and a friend dipping chocolate-covered strawberries
The Duggars are a family dedicated to serving others, and Valentine's Day is no exception. Like they have done for the past several years, Jim Bob and Michelle and the kids will help Debbie Query, a dear friend who is widowed with four children, put on her annual Valentine's Day tea and luncheon for single women.

"Debbie and her family reach out to women that don’t have a Valentine, and host a special Valentine’s banquet just for them," writes Michelle Duggar in her latest TLC Parentables post.

The Querys prepare the food-tea sandwiches, green salad and fruit salad. At the banquet, the children act as hosts and servers and perform violin and harp. 

"The boys are true gentlemen," writes Michelle. "They escort the ladies to their seats and then give them each a little gift"

When Debbie Query started the tradition several years ago, she held the banquet at her house. Now, with nearly 100 guests, the event has been moved to a more suitable location.

"Our children have really enjoyed being a part of this unique Valentine’s Day event," writes Michelle. "These special ladies are cared for, even though they may not have their own Valentine with them. They are loved, God loves them and we do, too."

Happy Valentine's Day!

*Photo courtesy of the Duggars

Duggars Serve at Valentine's Day BanquetDuggars Serve at Valentine's Day Banquet

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