Duggar Family Rules
Last week, you heard about the 28-foot timeline plastered along the hallway leading to the Duggars' side door. Michelle Duggar also has countless photos, Bible verses, and encouraging sayings hung up throughout the main floor of her house. The goal is to keep the family focused on serving God and others during the day and to remind the kids to practice good character.
The Duggars go to Hobby Lobby to purchase inspirational metal signs for decoration. The "Family Rules" plaque is one of the family's favorites and is displayed in their dining room.
Family Rules
Keep your promises
Think of others before yourself
Say I love you
Listen to your parents
Do your best
Say please & thank you
Always tell the truth
Laugh at yourself
Hug often
Use kind words
Love each other
The Duggars go to Hobby Lobby to purchase inspirational metal signs for decoration. The "Family Rules" plaque is one of the family's favorites and is displayed in their dining room.

Keep your promises
Think of others before yourself
Say I love you
Listen to your parents
Do your best
Say please & thank you
Always tell the truth
Laugh at yourself
Hug often
Use kind words
Love each other
Duggar Family RulesDuggar Family Rules