Duggar Timeline of History
Picture this. You turn into the Duggars' driveway, enter through the gate, and drive down the long, gravel driveway to the house. You grab a spot between the bus and one of the family's many Suburbans. You enter through the side door and are greeted by 10-year-old Jackson, who smiles and says, "Do you know which Duggar I am?"
To the right is the elliptical Michelle uses every morning before her kiddos wake up, while texting with Cindy, her exercise accountability partner and best friend since first grade.
To the left is a 28-foot timeline plastered on the wall leading down the hall to the Duggar-sized dining room table. The timeline is produced by Answers in Genesis and features detailed, full-color drawings of various stages of Earth's history. Sticking with their modesty standards, the Duggars used a permanent marker to draw full sets of clothes on the timeline figures. A description and preview of the Adam's Chart of History Timeline is available on the Christian Book website.

To the left is a 28-foot timeline plastered on the wall leading down the hall to the Duggar-sized dining room table. The timeline is produced by Answers in Genesis and features detailed, full-color drawings of various stages of Earth's history. Sticking with their modesty standards, the Duggars used a permanent marker to draw full sets of clothes on the timeline figures. A description and preview of the Adam's Chart of History Timeline is available on the Christian Book website.
Duggar Timeline of HistoryDuggar Timeline of History