Duggar Family Field Trips
As a homeschooling mom, Michelle Duggar is always looking to turn everyday situations into learning experiences for her children. To teach her children about the world around them, the mom of many schedules field trips near their home in Arkansas, across the country, and around the world.

Where do the Duggars go for field trips? Last fall, the family took the ultimate field trip to Ireland, England, Scotland, and Israel. They recently visited an eye clinic, which, according to Michelle, was fascinating. They have also been to Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama; the George Washington Carver monument; and the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory. But their favorite excursion (in the United States) is Washington D.C.

You could spend weeks there if you had the opportunity. It's just so amazing to go from building to building and see the Smithsonian, the landmarks and the monuments. I recommend it highly.
Read Michelle's full post on the TLC Parentables website.
Can you name other locations/attractions that the Duggars have visited?
Duggar Family Field TripsDuggar Family Field Trips