Michelle Speaks about Motherhood
During her phone interview with Melissa Caddell (Moms of Preschoolers), Michelle Duggar shared from her heart about the trials and tribulations of motherhood.
Melissa: How do you foster an attitude of “with us” not “against us” between your children?
Michelle: From the time they are very young, I appeal to their conscience. I really try and put them in their sibling’s shoes when they are selfish, do something not nice or try to get someone in trouble. They learn to treat each other the way they want to be treated.
Melissa: How do you take care of yourself?
Michelle: What I really need to re-fuel is alone time with the Lord — though it’s usually not alone as I’m often pregnant or nursing a baby! But I get my second wind late at night, after the kids are in bed. I have some time with my husband and then I read my Bible, devotion or listen to a message.
I love my time in the evenings — no children who need me, no phone calls, no one knocking on the door. I try to get to bed around midnight so I can get up most mornings to exercise before 6 on an elliptical machine. I also text with a friend early in the morning to encourage and pray for each other. It‘s a great time for me.

Michelle: From the time they are very young, I appeal to their conscience. I really try and put them in their sibling’s shoes when they are selfish, do something not nice or try to get someone in trouble. They learn to treat each other the way they want to be treated.
Melissa: How did you learn to speak softly to your children, even when you’re angry?
Michelle: (Laughs) I haven’t mastered this one yet. Just the other day, several of my boys made a mess in the living room. It was just normal kid stuff, but I got angry and overreacted to the mess.
Michelle: (Laughs) I haven’t mastered this one yet. Just the other day, several of my boys made a mess in the living room. It was just normal kid stuff, but I got angry and overreacted to the mess.
But I feel that by God’s grace, he is giving me some success over yelling. There are times I have to whisper to myself, “I’m not going to lose it. I am going to stay calm.”
Melissa: Do your kids see you struggle?
Michelle: When my boys made the mess in the living room, I didn’t have the right response. All I could see was a big mess on the carpet, and someone needed to clean it up! I was barking this at my boys as they stood there. My 7-year-old didn’t obey me quickly so I sent him to my room to talk to him. He was near tears as he struggled to talk to me. But what he was trying to tell me was that I was getting angry.

Michelle: What I really need to re-fuel is alone time with the Lord — though it’s usually not alone as I’m often pregnant or nursing a baby! But I get my second wind late at night, after the kids are in bed. I have some time with my husband and then I read my Bible, devotion or listen to a message.

That was only a snippet of Michelle's chat with Melissa Caddell. Visit the MOPS website to view the full interview.
Michelle Speaks about MotherhoodMichelle Speaks about Motherhood