Michelle Duggar: Large Family Logistics
Last week, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar spoke at Vision Forum's The Reformation of Food and the Family conference in San Antonio, Texas. Michelle shared a list of tips for feeding and caring for a super-sized family:
- We love convection ovens.
- Large crock-pots. Put the food in the night before.
- We have a bright colored piece of paper on the fridge with 3 columns representing the 3 major stores where we shop. When we run out of an item, we write [it] down on the refrigerator door.
- We use a phone app called Cozi Calendar in order to monitor what’s going on with the family.
- Get a deep freezer with a lid that lifts from the top. The regular freezers often don’t freeze properly because something is sticking out. We have found so many things on Craig’s List.
- We recommend an extra washer and dryer and a fold out ironing board from the wall.

Do you have any tips to add?
Michelle Duggar: Large Family LogisticsMichelle Duggar: Large Family Logistics